
  • Relevant information included up to February 22, 2021
  • Report published each year in English and German

All information and bases for calculation in this report are founded on national and international standards for financial and sustainability reporting. The data and information for the reporting period were sourced from the expert units responsible using representative methods. The reporting period is the 2020 business year. Relevant information is included up to the editorial deadline of February 22, 2021. The report is published each year in English and German. It is prepared in German and the German version is authoritative.

BASF Group’s scope of consolidation for its financial reporting comprises BASF SE, with its headquarters in Ludwigshafen, Germany, and all of its fully consolidated subsidiaries and proportionally consolidated joint operations. Shares in joint ventures and associated companies are accounted for, if material, using the equity method in the BASF Group Consolidated Financial Statements and are thus not included in the scope of consolidation.

The section “Employees” refers to employees active in a company within the BASF Group scope of consolidation as of December 31, 2020.

Our data collection methods for environmental protection and safety are based on the recommendations of the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) and the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC). In the section “Environmental Protection, Health and Safety,” we report all data including information on the emissions and waste of the worldwide production sites of BASF SE, its fully consolidated subsidiaries, and proportionally consolidated joint operations. BASF SE subsidiaries that are fully consolidated in the Group financial statements in which BASF holds an interest of less than 100% are included in full in environmental reporting. The emissions of proportionally consolidated joint operations are disclosed pro rata according to our interest. Work-related accidents at all sites of BASF SE and its subsidiaries as well as joint operations and joint ventures in which we have sufficient authority in terms of safety management are compiled worldwide regardless of our interest and reported in full. Unless otherwise indicated, further data on social responsibility and transportation safety refers to BASF SE and its consolidated subsidiaries.

The disclosures and indicators in the Management’s Report on sustainability in 2020 no longer include data on the divested construction chemicals business. Occupational and process safety incidents in the construction chemicals business are reported until September 30, 2020. The integrated polyamide business acquired from Solvay as of January 31, 2020, is included pro rata in the figures for employees, energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2) and occupational and process safety (LTI and PSI rate). Sales of products from the business acquired from Solvay have already been integrated in the portfolio to be evaluated under the Sustainable Solution Steering method. They will be classified from 2021. All other sustainability indicators for 2020 do not yet include the acquired polyamide business.