Nonfinancial Statement (NFS) in Accordance with Sections 315b and 315c of the German Commercial Code (HGB)

The NFS disclosures can be found in the relevant sections of the Management’s Report and have been prepared in accordance with the appropriate frameworks: the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (“Comprehensive” application option) and the reporting requirements of the U.N. Global Compact.

The table on the following page shows the sections and subsections in which the individual disclosures can be found. In addition to a description of the business model, the NFS includes disclosures on the following matters, to the extent that they are required to understand the development and performance of the business, the Group’s position and the impact of business development on the following matters:

  • Environmental matters
  • Employee-related matters
  • Social matters
  • Respect for human rights
  • Anti-corruption and bribery matters

Within the scope of the annual audit, KPMG checked pursuant to section 317(2) sentence 4 HGB that the NFS was presented in accordance with the statutory requirements. KPMG also conducted a limited assurance of the NFS. An assurance statement of the limited assurance can be found online at The assurance was conducted in accordance with ISAE 3000 (Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information) and ISAE 3410 (Assurance Engagements on Greenhouse Gas Statements), the relevant international assurance standards for sustainability reporting.

Nonfinancial Statement (NFS) disclosures in the relevant chapters of the integrated report

NFS disclosure


Concepts and results




Business model

The BASF Group

The BASF Group




Environmental matters

Process safety

Our Targets
Responsible Care Management System
Safety and Security



Energy and climate protection

Our Targets
Responsible Care Management System
Energy and Climate Protection
Climate Protection with Carbon Management

Emergency response and corporate security

Responsible Care Management System
Safety and Security

Supplier management

Our Targets
Supplier Management

Emissions to air

Responsible Care Management System
Air, Waste and Soil

Product stewardship

Responsible Care Management System
Product Stewardship

Steering of product portfolio

Our Targets
Steering of Product Portfolio Based on Sustainability Performance

Transportation and storage

Responsible Care Management System
Transportation and Storage

Management of waste and contaminated sites

Responsible Care Management System
Air, Waste and Soil


Our Targets
Responsible Care Management System




Employee-related matters

Occupational safety

Our Targets
Responsible Care Management System
Safety and Security

Dialog with employee representatives

Dialog with Employee Representatives

Inclusion of diversity

Our Targets
Inclusion of Diversity

What we expect from our leaders

What We Expect from our Leaders

Health protection

Responsible Care Management System
Safety and Security

International labor and social standards

International Labor and Social Standards

Learning and development

Learning and Development

Supplier management

Our Targets
Supplier Management

Employee engagement

Our Targets
Employee Engagement

Competition for talent

Competition for Talent

Compensation and benefits

Compensation and Benefits




Social matters

Social commitment

Social Engagement




Respect for human rights

International labor and social standards

International Labor and Social Standards

Supplier management

Our Targets
Supplier Management

Responsibility for human rights

Responsible Conduct Along the Value Chain




Anti-corruption and bribery matters



Supplier management

Our Targets
Supplier Management